Sunday, April 29, 2007

I am an adult

I realize that technically I have been an adult for 8 years, but that does not mean I acted nor felt like an adult. I mean I have had moments where I am reminded that I should be an adult, but they usually don't last very long.....until this week. This week has been completely filled with me having to act my age.
Example Number One: I bought new glasses and prescription sunglasses!
The last time I got glasses was in 2000. Since then the lens fell out in a cobblestone street in New York and was scratched, my nephew bent them so they are crooked when I wear them, and they are actually no longer my prescription. I still could not get myself to buy new ones, until this week when I became an adult. While I was trying on glasses I thought "hey why not take this one step forward and get sunglasses too!" I no longer have to make the choice between having the sun in my eyes and being able to see or not being able to see and blocking the sun out.
Example Number Two: I had my hair cut and dyed
I actually got my hair cut last week, but I had it dyed this week. Yes I have had my hair dyed before, but this time it was a very adult dye job with no craziness. I just got some light brown highlights...very adult.
Example Number Three: I am shopping around for a new car
I love my car and it has treated me very well for the last six years, but I think it is time to get a new car. Instead of just running off and buying a car like I want to, I am actually doing some research and taking my time. I do have it narrowed down to a few different cars.
Example Number Four: People take my opinions seriously in meetings
I was in a meeting this week at school. There were two administrators and two teachers that have taught for about 20 years each and me in this meeting. It was about this program called AVID that I am going to teach next year. They kept on asking for my opinion during the meeting and I was having to make final decisions that we will all have to follow next year. The whole time I wanted to tell them to stop listening to me because I had no idea what I was talking about and why didn't they "the adults" make these decisions and I would just follow what they said.
In conclusion, I am now an adult.


Thomas said...


mckay said...

Do I have to call you Ms. Hawkins now? I love your transformation story. People still tend to think I am a teenage mother of two. I need a story.

Natalie said...

I love it Ash! I feel that way all the time. Sometimes I have to remind myself when I am with my kids that I am the adult in the situation. Good luck to you!

Annalise said...

I totally understand. When I bought my car I was like "Really??? You're going to let me purchase a vehicle? But I'm just a kid, I don't know anything!"
So what cars are you looking at?

Stephanie said...

This is how I felt about having a baby- like, "When is his mother coming to get him?" I think I mentioned this to you before- it is hard to realize that you are an adult- I like relying on others to step up as a general rule. I take it your new glasses are working out better for you these days?

bettyjh said...

How wise and mature you have become! It is shocking when you come to the realization that you are one of the grownups and no one really knows any more than you do. The strangest feeling is when you have a church leadership position and you think of how you perceived other people who held that position, and you don't measure up to what you thought they were like. It is kind of a sad day when you realize that grownups and leaders are just human beings trying to do the best they can :)

kimball said...

Yikes! Ignore that man behind the curtain.

Ashley said...

Yes my glasses are working out very well for me. Katie told me that I looked like Stephanie when I was wearing them.

Luisa said...

I hear ya sista...I feel like that is a portrait of my everyday life:) One place (out of many) I notice it is as Mia Maids advisor my girls call me "Sister Rueckert." Whenever they call me that I have this weird moment like why are people that are generally about my age calling me that...and then I realize, oh wait...I'm not a teenager, I'm 12 years older than them...and yet, why do I still enjoy going toilet papering with them? Oh, another weird moment I had was when our new home teacher (who has just returned from his mission) came over for his first visit and I said something about him being born in the 70's...he looked at me confused and said, "I was born in '87" and it took me a minute to process that he was 7 years younger than me...I really still had the feeling that missionaries are older than me. Anyways Ash, I know what you mean!

Ashley said...

In class the other day I made a comment about a movie that was made in 1992 and asked my students if they had seen it. Imagine my surprise when they laughed and said that was the year they were born. I WAS 12! I still think I am 16 which is the problem.

Roeckers said...

Isn't it funny how everyone around you grows up but you still think of yourself as 18years old.

I keep finding grey hairs and can't believe I am old enough to have them.

Emily said...

No, you're not. Unless you wear nylons of every shade, feel urged to can peeled tomatoes, and eat bleu cheese. Regardless, you're the coolest 'adult' I know.