I am finally posting some pictures from my Europe trip. Now these are just a few random pictures that might not actually best represent my trip and what I saw, but I thought I should only include pictures that I am in...since I know that is what you all want to see anyway. There will be more pictures to come and I do take requests if there is something you want to see more of.

The day we left I had strep throat and my nose wouldn't stop running. It was a great way to start the trip!

We went to the Neuschwanstein Castle south of Munich. This is the castle that Walt Disney based the Disneyland Castle after. We hiked to a bridge that overlooked the whole valley and it was worth the hike.

This picture was taken in Florence but it is for everybody who was forced to look for canvas belts with me when we were in Hawaii. Here I found an entire stand dedicated to canvas belts..don't worry I bought a few so I will never have to look for them again.

The typical "look I am holding up the leaning tower" pose.

Here is Bonnie, me, Amy, and Katie on a bridge in Venice.

The cute little town square in Sopron, Hungary. Hungary is a beautiful country and not at all what we were expecting.

I was trying to get a good picture on the St Charles bridge in Prague, but it was too windy and this is how all of them ended up. This is the only one where you can even see my face. For some reason the wind wasn't blowing in anyone else's picture just mine.

We went to a church in the Czech Republic that everything in it was made up of bones. My favorite was the Coat of Arms because it was literally made out of arm bones.

Me in front of the small section of the Berlin Wall that they have left up.

I am trying to be one of the comrades in a Communist statue in front of the Stasi (secret police) museum.

Me eating a hamburger in Hamburg, Germany. Please notice I am actually eating this hamburger in McDonalds. We looked all over Hamburg for hamburgers, but couldn't find any except for at McDonalds or Burger King. We probably just didn't look in the right places.