I have been house-sitting for my parents for the last week. Every morning when I wake up I let the cat in to eat, then I put her out when I leave, then I let her back in when I get home, and then put her out when I go to bed. I feel like a lot of my life has been devoted to this cat and I have been a little bit annoyed with her. Well a few mornings ago I went to let her in and she wasn't there. I thought oh well maybe when I get home she would be around. Well after about two days I still had not seen her. I was starting to panic because I thought maybe she had died. Not that my parents would have cared because Penny is Stephanie's cat and I think my parents don't actually like her, but I still was stressed about if she had died and I would come across her body somewhere. On the third "missing" day I was about to leave when I saw Penny standing in her usual spot waiting to be let in. I thought I would commemorate this exciting event with a few pictures. I love how pleased Penny seems to be with the photo shoot.

ah! I haven't laughed this hard in a really long time. I can barely type this- I am laughing so hard. So funny! Good to see Penny alive and well. I refused to touch her when we were home last month, but if she died I will feel sad ... I think.
I'm laughing just thinking about what I might have done in that situation. Good job taking care of Penny.
Katie you would have been wishing she was dead you pet hater.
Okay so if Stephanie didn't even touch her when she was home and she is the only reason Penny is allowed to be around...Maybe she should go. I too know the pain of trying to get Penny out of the house. I have gotten real mean with that cat to get her out the door before!
I actually have another entry about Penny. I went out of town to Huntington Beach for the night and when I was backing out of the driveway I thought I saw Penny run into the garage. Now I didnt want to be a killer and shut her in the hot garage for 24 hours without food and water, so I parked the car and went into the garage looking for her. I spent 20 minutes calling her name and looking everywhere but never found her, so I assumed she must have ran out and I just didnt see it. Well went I got back the next day I went inside the house and then realized I left something in the car so I went back out to the garage and here came Penny looking very nervous and humble..kind of like she had been locked in a hot garage for 24 hours without food and water. I am surprised she didnt die..apparently she is going to be around for a long time!
ok, love that second photo, but I hate cats, blegh... hey, we should hang out!!
Hehehe...what funny pictures.
Ashley I can't believe how beautiful you are! That sepia pic is just gorgeous!
ahahahahaahahahahahahha! i just came back to this!!!! that garage story made me die laughing and i had to cover my mouth because thomas and chub are asleep! hahaha!
even though i didnt touch penny i still feel sad at the thought of her being put down at the spca... take her home with you ash... katie can look after her... or jackson... ok, these are all horrible ideas. maybe we should leave it up to fate. dad already had her in the car to take her to the pound once and it was closed... what does that tell you? hmmmm....
I know that I love cats, so very much. I think that I should get a cat, since I am apparantly a pet lover right now. We have two dogs!!!! How did this happen????
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