Ben and I decided that even though we aren't getting married for over 3 months that it was time to register. Actually my aunts might be throwing me a shower in a couple weeks, and since Ben and I won't be seeing each other until then, it was the only time we could register. We headed over to Bed Bath & Beyond naively thinking it wouldn't take more than an hour....we were so wrong. After 2 1/2 hours, we had only made it through bed and beyond but not into the bath area. Oh well, maybe another day. We still need to register at Target, but maybe we can put that off until the last moment.
It was actually pretty enjoyable and the lady who helped us followed us around and upsold us on many products, which was kind of nice but a little annoying at the same time... I think target will be as much or more fun than Bed Bath and beyond... Target has electronics and camping gear (Ashley get ready for some outdoor fun!)
i love that you finally wrote back...i have missed you..ok so i hope that if you have a shower in ut i can come...do you love that i just invited myself to see you...also if you do need help with those wedding invitations i would love to help in any way....im so freakin excited for you....congrats again....im glad you are making your way back to p town...
Ashley!! Congrats on your engagement! I'm slow and just found your blog via Steph's. The ring is BEA-utiful!
ahh the joys of registering! some of your best fights could happen in the middle or registering for gifts. . . or was that just us? (Oh, and in case you couldn't tell, Trav needs a new Upstanding YOuth tee, the one he has is a wee bit small.)
How fun!!
I never get the opportunity to do such fun things.
Next time you come down let us know we would love to see you again before we move (June for Jake and Aug for me).
We are super excited for you!
Ashley! I saw your comment on Val's blog and thought that you wouldn't mind if another old roommate came to harass you. :) Congrats on the engagement. Both you and the ring are beautiful.
oh registering is the bomb. this is the last time that you can do something so unabashedly selfish and people go right along with it! haha! :) enjoy!
by the way- i am so happy to see a ben comment on here!
When and where is this shower?? :)
Ash... I am glad to see you are taking part in some of the rituals that go along with weddings. Registering is fun and it never fails you will get 10 of the same thing anyways!
i got your message. i will call brittania tomorrow.
Oh my gosh...I had such high hopes for registering. I thought it would be such a fun experience for me and Marc...why wouldn't it? I mean when you're in love, all that stuff should be a romantic experience, right?
Let's just say I now refer to that day as many things: the death march, the day from hell,...you get the picture. We decided we would register at Bed Bath and Beyond, Target, and Robinsons May. And Marc was dead set on doing ALL 3 stores in 1 day. Yes, it takes 2 1/2 hrs. to only get through one section at Bed Bath and Beyond as you saw...there are just so many freakin decisions!!! I think we made it to 2 of the stores...but it became an all-day torture session. Okay, I'm starting to get worked up all over again thinking about registering for the wedding...I feel your pain. Anyways, I've been much smarter with the baby registry. I went to Babies R Us the 1st day with the goal to only register in 1 section. And I've been back several times taking it section by section...so you'll learn (the hard way) like I did:)
Oh, and one more thing...my advice: go solo
All I can say about registering is that I was surprised to learn that my hubby-to-be at the time had such a strong opinion about silverware and glasses...
I will be in Utah the end of April so if you could have the family plan the shower around me that would be fantastic!
oh man i guess we'll have to schedule a whole day for registering. i thought it would be fast, too. thanks for the headsup.
P.S. Do NOT (I mean it!) register at Target. Yes, they have darling things, but returning them is a pain in the booty. I didn't register there, but I had a few friends that had horrible experiences returning items back. When I had a few returns myself (with gift receipts), we had to purchase something in the store that very night. I don't think my story is coming across well, but you get the picture.
For that reason, you should be happy with BB&B. They will give you money for returs. Plus you can purchase things with the 20% coupons too (save them all up because they don't expire!) Great place to register if you ask me.
I didn't have any problems with Target. I thought Target was great! I'd also like to mention that Linens N' Things is great, too! And if people get you gift cards, you can use them towards things on the registry you didn't get and you get 10% off! So I'd register, then tell everyone you really just want gift cards, so it's cheaper for everyone!!
Ok, so it seems that everyone has an opinion on registering so I thought I'd throw my 2 cents in as well. I recommend registering at Target because they have everything there. However, don't go to the one in Orem or if you do go at an obscure time. Otherwise, you spend an hour just waiting to get the gun thingie that you register with! As far as returning at Target they are good about it if it was from your registry or if you have a gift receipt. We didn't really have much trouble. And you gotta love those Target cards (we bought groceries for months with them!)
cant wait to meet this mysterious carpet guy!
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