I no longer have internet access. Apparently my neighbors have caught on that I illegally use their internet and they have blocked me. I am at my friends house now, so I thought I would let you all know the internet drama. Besides that life is going pretty well. I am still a little bit sick, but have decided to pretend like I am fine and just live my life. I would also like to thank Thomas for the book recommendation. I have never identified with a book at such a deep level. Just Kidding! On a sad note one of the students from my school died yesterday. She was crossing the street and got hit by a truck that took off afterwards. She was involved in a lot of activites at school, so a lot of the students were affected by it. The kids were just finding out about it at the end of school today, so tomorrow will be a hard day for them. I didn't have her as a student, but I am the advisor for two of the clubs she is in so I did have some interactions with her. My old roommate Katie was her teacher for two classes since she was in student council. Well, sorry to be such a downer. I will try to blog again when I pay for my internet access.