Anybody who has a Mac knows about my favorite thing.....Photo Booth. This is where you can take crazy pictures that have been distorted in some way. Aren't Ben and I attractive?
Okay here is a better picture so you remember what we actually look like.
Ben who??? Have I mentioned that I LOVE your hair?!?!?!
I LOVE THAT!!! I wish I could take a fabulous picture! I am agreeing about your hair... looks fantastic!
this warms my heart for several reasons, the chief of them being christmas 2006. i hope you remember. the next- i like seeing you and ben. there i said it.
Awwwww, how cute.
We are excited to see you at thanksgiving. Drive carefully.
Ash this is the second photo of ben in a few weeks.Who's this Ben??!!
Love that photo booth. I think I have a few of my sister Laura that should be saved for her posterity.
Wait...which picture is the distorted one??? :)
what a cute couple. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Ashely! This is your cousin Becky. Ben is a cutie! Is he the carpet guy? Aunt Pat and Ginn love to tell how they set you two up! I can't wait to meet him!
i too love photobooth. you guys are super cute.
more importantly (okay, okay, less importantly), i'm here to nag you about posting on honestly onto. :) please?
yeah ash- for reals!!!! you are the ONLY one who hasnt done it. we just may vote you off the island for good this time.
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