Sunday, August 19, 2007

Church Callings

I was in my old ward for a year and a half before I was given a calling after months of begging and pleading. I have been in my new ward for one week and I already have one. I love my new ward!


Lisah said...

So what is it?

Ashley said...

Oh I guess that would have made the post more exciting. I am the Young Single Adult rep for my stake. Which means I go to these meetings with all the YSA reps throughout Las Vegas and we plan area-wide activities.

Natalie said...

Ashley that is great! I bet that will be a good calling.

Courtney said...

Which ward are you in in Vegas? You'll be a good rep. What a great calling for you, you party girl!

Stephanie said...

im with lisa- what a cliff hanger! :) i think that sounds like a great calling for you as well- way to go ashes.

Stacie Hawley said...

Sounds like fun...we still need to get together! We both live in Vegas...and yet...ha ha.

Stephanie said...

im voting you off the island if you dont start commenting more on the group blog... haha, probably not. but fo reals.

Ashley said...

I am in the Willow Springs Ward. I was in the 4th ward for two years, but the boundaries were changed and now I am here.

Erin said...

fun fun. I am on the activities committee in my ward and did not attend the ward river tubing trip on Saturday and awkwardly avoided the activities chair today at church because I was too guilty to face him. I dont know why I felt the need to confess this on your blog. Please dont judge me....