Wednesday, October 31, 2007

3 Facts About Me

So I was tagged by my sister Stephanie and I have to tell three facts about myself.

Number One: I currently have pneumonia! I know seriously who gets pneumonia except for babies and old people. I guess I am the same person who got pink eye earlier this year, so apparently I fit into this category. The stressful thing about being sick is I have to plan for a sub while I am absent. That is even harder to do than actually attend school. Which brings me to fact number two.

Number Two: Occasionally I start class by saying "Today we are going to...." and I actually don't know what I am going to say before it comes out. I mean I have a general idea of what topic I want to cover, but how exactly it will come about I have yet to think about. It has always worked out for me (I don't think the kids are on to me yet) but I better not press my luck.

Number Three: I secretly like to read books on serial killers. Not that I want to be a serial killer or that I think they are cool, but I like the forensic side of the story. I like to read the background story on the killer and then how they were caught. The problem with this is I have permanently freaked myself out for life and have trouble walking out to my car alone in the dark.

I hope you all feel like you know me a little bit better now. I have decided to tag Everyone who hasn't updated their blog this week!


mckay said...

Ash-So do you read John Douglas books, then? I LOVE him! You should--he knows his stuff.

Anne Rule is also good.

Thanks for the new post. I needed it. =)

Lisah said...

Ashley... you and I are such peas in a pod. I have self diagnosed myself with pneumonia and I am obsessed with things on serial killers. That is why my favorite show is Criminal Minds! I had to stop watching some shows on TV because I get too scared and have bad thoughts all day. HA! I don't think that is weird at all?!

Unknown said...

You sickly girl!? Some things never change huh... hope you feel better soon!

Naomi & Greg said...

So which one do you consider yourself: baby or old ;) I'm sorry you're know I'd bring you popcorn and rent 90210 seasons for you if I were there...instead I'm here taking care of our sick baby.

Jessica F. said...

I just can't get enough of you and how much I miss you.
Remember Toph from our ward who you loved????

Luisa said...

Oh no...I just finished posting my own "tagged" blog where I tagged you, Steph and Nat...and then clicked over to check your blog only to find you guys have already been tagged tagging is to do 6 you can either add 3 more...or just forget it:) Anyway, I especially liked your #2 fact...maybe only teachers can understand the true humor of these kinds of things...but I was so doing that on many days too--it was like a fun game to see what would come out of my mouth as I'd be telling my class we'd be doing that day:)haha...the sad thing was how my 1st period were such guinea pigs...and after that class was over I'd had the trial run through and looked like a total pro for 2nd period...I don't think anyone was on to me...well, except maybe 1st period:)

Stephanie said...

oh man- good thing you have a new post up. i told thomas that if i got to your page only to see the same old evacuation post i would kill over and die. you would probably like that though because you are sick and would be interested in the details...even though you would be the serial killer-- or at least the cause of death.

Jessica F. said...

I brought him up because I remember how he totally bugged you. Remember how you knocked that Brittany girl off the scooter during FHE? She would never talk to us again...wonder why?!?!?
I could go on for hours about all the funny memories I have of you. Needless to say, I miss you!!!!!!

Urmston Family said...

Poor Ashley. I hope you are feeling better. Nate waked up and always asks "what should I teach today"? Take care. Love Jill

Hop said...

I always start class by saying "Take out your journals"...I decide what we're going to do while my kids are writing...

kimball said...

You are hilarious. I love you.

Melody said...


I found your blog through Jessica's. Hope you don't mind that I linked it to mine! It's good to see you doing well. Oh, and I agree that I never cared if class time was wasted - as long as it wasn't my fault. =) Take care of yourself!


Thomas said...

You might be interested in this book:
Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us
by Robert D. Hare

mckay said...


Lauren said...

Because I once lived with you I know that your serial killer obsessions are not so secret. I have witnessed you curled up biting your nails all freaked out. Hilarious :)