Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Spice Up Your Life!
So the wonderful Spice Girls concert has come and gone. It was seriously one of the best concerts I have ever been to in my life. If you would like the details of the night (including a celebrity guest appearance) please click on the link to Katie's blog on the right hand side of this page.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Photo Booth Photo Shoot
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Rocco is no longer with us
If you are wondering who Rocco is then we must not be very good friends. But in case we are good friends and your world just doesn't revolve around me anymore I will fill you in. Rocco was the name of my Honda Civic that I have driven for the last seven years. I loved Rocco and we had a great 112,000 miles together, but I just felt like it was time to end our relationship. Actually it was partly his fault since his exhaust manifold cracked and it was going to cost 1500 dollars to fix. Here is a picture of my new friend Stanley.

I love my new car and it is tons of fun to drive. Stanley is also automatic which means it is much easier to talk on my phone and eat while I drive...just kidding who would do that?

I love my new car and it is tons of fun to drive. Stanley is also automatic which means it is much easier to talk on my phone and eat while I drive...just kidding who would do that?
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
We are Good Looking!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Why My Blogging Has Become Lame
I no longer have internet access. Apparently my neighbors have caught on that I illegally use their internet and they have blocked me. I am at my friends house now, so I thought I would let you all know the internet drama. Besides that life is going pretty well. I am still a little bit sick, but have decided to pretend like I am fine and just live my life. I would also like to thank Thomas for the book recommendation. I have never identified with a book at such a deep level. Just Kidding! On a sad note one of the students from my school died yesterday. She was crossing the street and got hit by a truck that took off afterwards. She was involved in a lot of activites at school, so a lot of the students were affected by it. The kids were just finding out about it at the end of school today, so tomorrow will be a hard day for them. I didn't have her as a student, but I am the advisor for two of the clubs she is in so I did have some interactions with her. My old roommate Katie was her teacher for two classes since she was in student council. Well, sorry to be such a downer. I will try to blog again when I pay for my internet access.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
3 Facts About Me
So I was tagged by my sister Stephanie and I have to tell three facts about myself.
Number One: I currently have pneumonia! I know seriously who gets pneumonia except for babies and old people. I guess I am the same person who got pink eye earlier this year, so apparently I fit into this category. The stressful thing about being sick is I have to plan for a sub while I am absent. That is even harder to do than actually attend school. Which brings me to fact number two.
Number Two: Occasionally I start class by saying "Today we are going to...." and I actually don't know what I am going to say before it comes out. I mean I have a general idea of what topic I want to cover, but how exactly it will come about I have yet to think about. It has always worked out for me (I don't think the kids are on to me yet) but I better not press my luck.
Number Three: I secretly like to read books on serial killers. Not that I want to be a serial killer or that I think they are cool, but I like the forensic side of the story. I like to read the background story on the killer and then how they were caught. The problem with this is I have permanently freaked myself out for life and have trouble walking out to my car alone in the dark.
I hope you all feel like you know me a little bit better now. I have decided to tag Everyone who hasn't updated their blog this week!
Number One: I currently have pneumonia! I know seriously who gets pneumonia except for babies and old people. I guess I am the same person who got pink eye earlier this year, so apparently I fit into this category. The stressful thing about being sick is I have to plan for a sub while I am absent. That is even harder to do than actually attend school. Which brings me to fact number two.
Number Two: Occasionally I start class by saying "Today we are going to...." and I actually don't know what I am going to say before it comes out. I mean I have a general idea of what topic I want to cover, but how exactly it will come about I have yet to think about. It has always worked out for me (I don't think the kids are on to me yet) but I better not press my luck.
Number Three: I secretly like to read books on serial killers. Not that I want to be a serial killer or that I think they are cool, but I like the forensic side of the story. I like to read the background story on the killer and then how they were caught. The problem with this is I have permanently freaked myself out for life and have trouble walking out to my car alone in the dark.
I hope you all feel like you know me a little bit better now. I have decided to tag Everyone who hasn't updated their blog this week!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
A week ago on Monday when I went to school there was an awful smell permeating the halls of the science wing of the school. We searched everywhere trying to determine where the smell was coming from. On Thursday we discovered that some chemicals had spilled in a storage room that we never go in and that was the source of the smell. Well, after smelling the smell for three days and not taking any action, the school decided that at that moment we needed to evacuate the science wing. I got to spend the rest of the day watching the same video over and over in the theater with the rest of the science classes. Hazmat had to come to our school and apparently the toxicity level (on a scale of 1-4) was at a 3. If I die soon we will all know why. I don't have any pictures of my school or classroom for this post, except for this one of Ben and I posing with Chauncy Peppertooth (my skeleton).

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Don't I Look Hot
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Making a Pinata
The other day Jackson was asking if he could buy a pinata. So, I being not very smart, told him that we didn't need to buy one because I knew how to make one. Well I finally gave in two days ago and started making the pinata by using flour and water to paper mache it. After putting the first strip of paper over the balloon Jackson said that it didn't seem that fun anymore and went into the house. Katie came over a while later and found me in the backyard by myself looking like this.

We let it dry over night and yesterday the boys and I painted it to look like Daffy Duck. It should have finished drying by now and I am headed back over there to break it open. I will post some pictures of how it turned out later. In conclusion we should just all buy pinatas.

We let it dry over night and yesterday the boys and I painted it to look like Daffy Duck. It should have finished drying by now and I am headed back over there to break it open. I will post some pictures of how it turned out later. In conclusion we should just all buy pinatas.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Sick little boy
Thursday, August 23, 2007
School starts Monday!

I am so excited! Do I seem convincing enough? Actually I am not excited I have really enjoyed my unemployment. Most of the other teachers are saying how excited they are to come back and how bored they were during the summer...I am the exact opposite. I have decided to find a 95 year old man to marry who is loaded so I don't have to work anymore in life. If anyone knows a man fitting this description please let me know. I am not kidding. I would do anything to not have to work and live a life of luxury. It isn't that I don't like my job I actually love it but I am not ready for my summer to be over.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Church Callings
I was in my old ward for a year and a half before I was given a calling after months of begging and pleading. I have been in my new ward for one week and I already have one. I love my new ward!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
I was tagged!
My sister Natalie tagged me so this is me using one word (sometimes I used more than just one)
Yourself: fun
Your partner: hiding
Your hair: under control
Your mother: stylish
Your father: kind
Favorite item: my computer
Dream last night: crazy
Favorite drink: diet coke
Dream car: Highlander
Dream home: mansion
The room you are in: bedroom
Your fear: midgets
Where you want to be in 10 years: mars
Who you hung out with last night: Jackson, Bennett, and Isaac
You're not: Lindsay Lohan
One of your wish list items: a new car
The last thing you did: read a vampire book
You are wearing: Del Sol Volleyball shirt
Your favorite weather: none
Your favorite book: Harry Potter
Last thing you ate: something greasy and unhealthy
Your life: in shambles..just kidding..kind of
Your mood: anticipatory
Your best friend: I don't want to hurt feelings...Isaac
What are you thinking about right now: unpacking
Your car: Rocco AKA Honda Civic
What are you doing at the moment: filling out this survey
Relationship status: very single
What is on your tv: So You Think You Can Dance (it was TIVOed)
When is the last time you laughed: in church today
I am tagging everyone who reads my blog..DO IT!
Yourself: fun
Your partner: hiding
Your hair: under control
Your mother: stylish
Your father: kind
Favorite item: my computer
Dream last night: crazy
Favorite drink: diet coke
Dream car: Highlander
Dream home: mansion
The room you are in: bedroom
Your fear: midgets
Where you want to be in 10 years: mars
Who you hung out with last night: Jackson, Bennett, and Isaac
You're not: Lindsay Lohan
One of your wish list items: a new car
The last thing you did: read a vampire book
You are wearing: Del Sol Volleyball shirt
Your favorite weather: none
Your favorite book: Harry Potter
Last thing you ate: something greasy and unhealthy
Your life: in shambles..just kidding..kind of
Your mood: anticipatory
Your best friend: I don't want to hurt feelings...Isaac
What are you thinking about right now: unpacking
Your car: Rocco AKA Honda Civic
What are you doing at the moment: filling out this survey
Relationship status: very single
What is on your tv: So You Think You Can Dance (it was TIVOed)
When is the last time you laughed: in church today
I am tagging everyone who reads my blog..DO IT!
Thursday, August 02, 2007
A post just for the sake of posting
I have nothing to say and I don't have any pictures to post, but I felt like posting. I have been in North Carolina since last Wednesday for training on socratic seminars. North Carolina was a beautiful place. We had all weekend off from the training so on Saturday we drove from Chapel Hill to Wilmington to go to the beach. We had lunch on the Cape Fear river and it was so pretty. The training itself was pretty lame, but I guess I did get a free vacation. I got home last night and I leave on Sunday for a week long training for AVID (this study skills type class I teach) in San Diego. I have been home for 5 days total this summer!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
I am handy!
While I am at home I have been assigned the task of putting up new baseboards through our family room, dining room, living room, and entry. I decided to write out all the rooms so all of you understand the large amount of work I am doing. My mom and I started today and we have finished the family room, half the entry, and one wall each of the dining and living rooms. Hopefully we will be able to finish tomorrow...or the next day. Here are some pictures, but please do not enlarge them to look at them because you will see the gaps inbetween some of the boards. Don't worry those gaps are going to be filled in with spackel (sp?) and once they are painted you won't know they are there.

Friday, July 13, 2007
Cat Drama
I have been house-sitting for my parents for the last week. Every morning when I wake up I let the cat in to eat, then I put her out when I leave, then I let her back in when I get home, and then put her out when I go to bed. I feel like a lot of my life has been devoted to this cat and I have been a little bit annoyed with her. Well a few mornings ago I went to let her in and she wasn't there. I thought oh well maybe when I get home she would be around. Well after about two days I still had not seen her. I was starting to panic because I thought maybe she had died. Not that my parents would have cared because Penny is Stephanie's cat and I think my parents don't actually like her, but I still was stressed about if she had died and I would come across her body somewhere. On the third "missing" day I was about to leave when I saw Penny standing in her usual spot waiting to be let in. I thought I would commemorate this exciting event with a few pictures. I love how pleased Penny seems to be with the photo shoot.

Saturday, July 07, 2007
A few pictures of Europe
I am finally posting some pictures from my Europe trip. Now these are just a few random pictures that might not actually best represent my trip and what I saw, but I thought I should only include pictures that I am in...since I know that is what you all want to see anyway. There will be more pictures to come and I do take requests if there is something you want to see more of.

The day we left I had strep throat and my nose wouldn't stop running. It was a great way to start the trip!

We went to the Neuschwanstein Castle south of Munich. This is the castle that Walt Disney based the Disneyland Castle after. We hiked to a bridge that overlooked the whole valley and it was worth the hike.

This picture was taken in Florence but it is for everybody who was forced to look for canvas belts with me when we were in Hawaii. Here I found an entire stand dedicated to canvas belts..don't worry I bought a few so I will never have to look for them again.

The typical "look I am holding up the leaning tower" pose.

Here is Bonnie, me, Amy, and Katie on a bridge in Venice.

The cute little town square in Sopron, Hungary. Hungary is a beautiful country and not at all what we were expecting.

I was trying to get a good picture on the St Charles bridge in Prague, but it was too windy and this is how all of them ended up. This is the only one where you can even see my face. For some reason the wind wasn't blowing in anyone else's picture just mine.

We went to a church in the Czech Republic that everything in it was made up of bones. My favorite was the Coat of Arms because it was literally made out of arm bones.

Me in front of the small section of the Berlin Wall that they have left up.

I am trying to be one of the comrades in a Communist statue in front of the Stasi (secret police) museum.

Me eating a hamburger in Hamburg, Germany. Please notice I am actually eating this hamburger in McDonalds. We looked all over Hamburg for hamburgers, but couldn't find any except for at McDonalds or Burger King. We probably just didn't look in the right places.

The day we left I had strep throat and my nose wouldn't stop running. It was a great way to start the trip!

We went to the Neuschwanstein Castle south of Munich. This is the castle that Walt Disney based the Disneyland Castle after. We hiked to a bridge that overlooked the whole valley and it was worth the hike.

This picture was taken in Florence but it is for everybody who was forced to look for canvas belts with me when we were in Hawaii. Here I found an entire stand dedicated to canvas belts..don't worry I bought a few so I will never have to look for them again.

The typical "look I am holding up the leaning tower" pose.

Here is Bonnie, me, Amy, and Katie on a bridge in Venice.

The cute little town square in Sopron, Hungary. Hungary is a beautiful country and not at all what we were expecting.

I was trying to get a good picture on the St Charles bridge in Prague, but it was too windy and this is how all of them ended up. This is the only one where you can even see my face. For some reason the wind wasn't blowing in anyone else's picture just mine.

We went to a church in the Czech Republic that everything in it was made up of bones. My favorite was the Coat of Arms because it was literally made out of arm bones.

Me in front of the small section of the Berlin Wall that they have left up.

I am trying to be one of the comrades in a Communist statue in front of the Stasi (secret police) museum.

Me eating a hamburger in Hamburg, Germany. Please notice I am actually eating this hamburger in McDonalds. We looked all over Hamburg for hamburgers, but couldn't find any except for at McDonalds or Burger King. We probably just didn't look in the right places.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
We are now in Prague. Prague has brought us cold weather and many new friends. One was a boy from London named Ashley. He told me I had a boys name and even spelled it the boys way. I was nice and didnt respond back. Today we went to a church where everything was made out of human bones. I was morbidly fascinated with it. I think I am going to post all the pictures I have of it because really when else in your life will you see a cross or chandelier made out of bones. We have really enjoyed being in Prague, but we are all excited to return to the homeland "Germany" tomorrow. I realize that Germany is not my homeland but it feels more like home than anywhere else we have been. Today we met a 68 year old Texan who was traveling by himself and decided to be our tour guide for a while...we loved him. More on him later when I post pictures.
Monday, June 25, 2007
I love Budapest. It isn't at all what I was expecting. I guess I was expecting a more war-torn third world type country, but it is actually very pretty and looks like the pictures I have seen of London. Yesterday we arrived in Budapest on the Pest side which is the nice side of the city. Our hostel is one of the nicest we have stayed in the whole trip. We walked up one of the main streets to an area that had some statues, a zoo, a park, a museum, and a castle. It was a lot of stuff crammed into one area. This morning we woke up really early and checked out the Parlimant(sp?) building that was designed to look like the British Parlimant. Then we saw St Stephens Basilica and a bunch of communist statues. We then took a tram over to the Buda side of the city which is a little bit more ghetto and more how you imagine Budapest to be. We were trying to find a Chinese Market but we couldn't find it so we walked up this huge hill to a church that looked over the whole city. Budapest has been great and tomorrow morning we are leaving for Prague.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Hungry in Hungary
We are now in Hungary. Since my last blog we have visited Bologna and Venice, Italy. We were suppose to take a night train from Venice to Vienna, Austria the other day, but the Italian train union decided they wanted a day off of work so they held a strike. We had met a nice Canadian boy named Maije at the train station who told us we could spend the night in cabins at a near by campsite, so we hopped on a bus from Venice and headed to the campsite. Our cabin was very nice but also very hot. I cant remember a time in my life I had been as hot as I was while in Italy. The next morning we went back to Venice and took a 9 hour train ride to Vienna. As soon as the train arrived in Vienna we got on a train headed to Sopron, Hungary. So we didnt exactly get to see Vienna, but we saw all the scenery headed into and away from it. It is interesting being in Hungary because I dont understand a single word they say. Today I almost caused an international incident when some lady kept talking to me and I finally just started shaking my head, put my hands up, and said No repeatedly. The problem is that No doesnt not mean No here. Nem is the correct word for no. German has a lot of words that seem like English and I know basic phrases like "do you speak english" and Italian is a lot like Spanish so that makes it easier, but Hungarian isnt like anything I have seen or heard before. Amy's brother is here on his mission, so today he and the other missionaries went to lunch with us and ordered for us so we could at least eat some good food. Otherwise we would just have to point at what we want. They also taught us to say some phrases like "I dont speak Hungarian" and "Do you speak English". They did tell us that everyone basically speaks English in Budapest so we shouldnt have any problems once we get there. Well I hope you are all doing well at home and are anxiously awaiting the blogs full of pictures when I get back home.
Monday, June 18, 2007
No Pictures
I know these blogs can be pretty boring without any pictures. Yes we do have cameras, but we didnt bring any of the cords we need to connect our cameras to the computers. Dont worry though, because when I get home I will have an entire blog of the best pictures of the trip. To answer the question of how hair can be a mullet and a mohawk well imagine if you will a typical mullet. Now imagine the sides are totally short but then at the top of their head they have a mohawk. So it is a mohawk with long curly hair at their necks. Today we are on our second day in Rome. We saw the Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps, Pantheon, Roman Forum, Colosseum, Palatine Hill, and St Peters Basilica. Tomorrow I am going to sleep in while everyone else goes to the Vatican Museum. I have been to the Vatican Museum before and as great as it was I dont want to pay the money to go again and secretly I dont actually like Museums. If you would ever want a more detailed account of what we are doing here in Europe feel free to check out my friend Katies blog. She is one of my friends listed on the side.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
I am still alive
So the pink eye is pretty much gone, and I am in every other way healthy, so I am finally able to enjoy my trip a little bit more. Right now we are in Florence but are leaving for Rome tomorrow. Today we sat in a park for an hour, walked around a lot, and took a train to see the leaning tower of Pisa. Don't worry I also ate some gelato today. The gelato count is now 2 yesterday and 1 today. We have had a fun and relaxing time in Florence and have done a lot of people watching. I secretly wish that American boys would do their hair like the Italians. It is a mix between a mullet and mohawk. Well, I will report more maybe tomorrow.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Illness Update
So my trip has been very fun and exciting so far. We have visited Cologne, Frankfurt, Weiderstadt, Munich, Fussen, and tonight we are taking a night train to Florence. As you may have read I had strep throat before we left. Well by the time we arrived in Germany I felt all better. Then this morning I woke up and had PINK EYE! Who over the age of six gets pink eye? I am apologizing to Teresa now for staying at her house with pink eye, but for all I know she gave it to me. Just Kidding! No one else in my group has been sick at all and hopefully it will stay this way. As I am writing this though, I am starting to feel my other eye starting to get sticky. I feel bad for the person who uses this keyboard after me.
Monday, June 11, 2007
I'm Off
In 2 hours and 55 minutes my plane will be taking off for Germany! Make sure to keep checking my blog because I plan to update it every few days with all of my adventures. I think my strep throat is pretty much gone, so hopefully I will be totally well by the time I arrive in Europe. Hooray!!!!
Friday, June 08, 2007
Disneyland Grad Nite!

This morning I got back from chaperoning my schools trip to Disneyland Grad Nite. For those of you who don't know, Disneyland opens up from midnight until six a.m. for high school graduates. When I was in high school I went to Grad Nite and remember it being a lot of fun, but now that I am old it was a little bit different. First we went to California Adventure from 10 - midnight and that was a lot of fun because most of the other schools weren't at that part. Then I enjoyed Disneyland from 12 - 3. At 3 in the morning I wanted to die. I AM OLD! I can't stay awake that late. Four of the other chaperones and I took naps in one of the theaters for an hour which gave me a second wind until it was time to board the buses and head back to Vegas. I am now headed to urgent care because I am pretty sure I have strep throat which added to the wonderful time I had last night. I need to get some antibiotics and get this taken care of since I am leaving for Europe on MONDAY!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
So You Think You Can Dance
Some might say I am obsessed with TV. It is not that I am obsessed with all TV, it is actually just a couple of shows. But how could you not be obsessed with 24, The Office, Amazing Race, etc. But my favorite summer obsession started last week and I couldn't be more excited.

I am just hoping that this season is just as good as last. I would like to take a minute to remember my two favorite contestants from last year....Benji and Travis (actually I loved Travis the most, but Benji was a close second)

I am just hoping that this season is just as good as last. I would like to take a minute to remember my two favorite contestants from last year....Benji and Travis (actually I loved Travis the most, but Benji was a close second)

Monday, May 28, 2007
Two More Weeks
Two weeks from today I will be leaving for Europe. I am so excited! For those of you who haven't heard I am going to Germany, Italy, Austria, Hungary, and the Czech Republic this time. As much as I am excited about Europe I think I am more excited the school year is almost over. This week is review week, the next week is finals, and then I AM DONE!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Isaac is Fat!
I decided to dedicate an entire blog to how Isaac is so fat. Here are some great pictures of the back and front of his legs.

This is him screaming for some ice cream. Everytime the he could see the carton he would laugh, scream, and grab for it.

Look how happy and cute he is. He is seriously always in a good mood.

This is him screaming for some ice cream. Everytime the he could see the carton he would laugh, scream, and grab for it.

Look how happy and cute he is. He is seriously always in a good mood.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Isaac and Ambrose Photo Shoot
The long awaited Isaac and Ambrose Photo Shoot pictures have arrived. I have decided that I have no future in being a photographer of children. They were never willing to do what I wanted them to, but here are some of our favorites.

Here we all are at the end of our stressful (maybe just for aunt ashley) photo shoot. Aren't we all so cute!

Here we all are at the end of our stressful (maybe just for aunt ashley) photo shoot. Aren't we all so cute!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
So Sorry
Well, I am so sorry I haven't blogged in a while, but the truth is my life got really boring for the last week. I mean I could have probably blogged about American Idol or The Office, since those were the highlights of my life this week. But, then I realized that I didn't blog about last weekend or as I now refer to it as "The Best Weekend Ever". On Saturday of last weekend I ran my first 5K. Now I know some of you are thinking that isn't a big deal, but for me it was. True there may have been some moments of walking because it was really windy and had some uphill parts, but I can still say I ran a 5K. Then that afternoon I got to go to the Shark Reef which is one of my favorite spots in Las Vegas. That evening I went out to dinner with 3 guys from my ward and my roommate Katie. At this point I was ready to go home and go to bed but was peer pressured into going bowling. Once there the most exciting thing happened to me......I bowled a 203!! My first 5 frames were all strikes. Usually I am a 120 bowler, so this is very exciting. I then went home and went to bed concluding "The Best Weekend Ever"! Obviously Sunday is part of the weekend, but it wasn't exciting in anyway so it doesn't get included. Stay tuned for more great blogging this week since my little sister Stephanie and her baby Ambrose are coming to town tomorrow.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Jackson and Bennett
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